
Just Say “No!” to Whining on Facebook

no whining

Today i’m taking a stand against whining on Facebook.

Facebook is a great tool. We use it to check in with friends and to keep up with people. It’s a great way to share information.

Let us be mindful, though, as we post to FB that the things we post will affect other people. People need to see solutions and possibilities. No one is going to benefit from being bombarded by negative messages.

You know what I’m talking about, right? Some people are overzealous hitting the “share” button. Here are some examples:

  • Messages that bash a group of people
  • Messages that put down people who hold certain religious beliefs
  • Extreme political messages that degrade “the other side”
  • Messages that explain how life sucks and there’s nothing anyone can do about it
  • Messages that claim you’re an idiot if you don’t think like the poster
  • Anything with name-calling

We can use Facebook as a medium for sharing uplifting things that propelled people forward and help facilitate positive change.

We can use Facebook to share things like:

  • Blogs
  • Educational videos
  • Invitations to community events
  • Issues we should discuss with our government representatives

Here’s some good stuff I’ve seen on FB lately

  • Invitation to participate in a political rally/march at our state Capitol (link)
  • Invitation to a personal development seminar (link)
  • Fundraiser for an educational documentary (link)
  • Fundraiser for a missions trip (link)
  • A research study on global warming (link)
  • How-to or helpful information on a topic (link)

So, in addition to using Facebook as a way to stay connected with friends and family, let’s use it to make a real difference in the world.

You can make a difference by discouraging your friends from whining on Facebook, too. Share with them some positive options. You could, for example, start by sharing this blog.


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