
The Impact Hour: That’s So Messed Up!

Pic of John and Rena and text, "The Impact Hour with John and RenaThere’s a lot of angst about what’s going on out there. Our thoughts as we read the news and social media are “He’s doing what? They’re doing that? That’s so messed up!” We feel outraged. We are right and they are so messed up. It doesn’t seem to matter if you are politically on the right of on the left, everyone seems to be outraged about what they see going on.

Yet all this is a reflection of what’s going on in our families, in our workplaces, and even in our inner thought world. We are casting judgment and blame. In return, we fear judgment and being shamed by others. So we hunker down in our trenches.

In this episode, we talk blame, judgment, and personal responsibility – without casting any blame or judgment.

Click here to listen.


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